
Sunday, August 18, 2013

... because of the architecture (Pagoda house)

Pagoda House
I must have passed tens of times by this magnificent Pagoda house on the corner of Nahmani and Montefiori streets, but until now I never stopped by to take a close look and appreciate its splendor. This building was built in 1925 and renovated in the 2000s. Today this is a private residence. With all the gorgeous old Tel Aviv buildings in a very sad state, this renovation is truly inspiring.
I took a couple of minutes to admire the Pagoda house from the tiny and shady King Albert sq. - such a wonderful place in hot summer day! I've instantly added it to my list of Tel Aviv's hidden gems :)
King Albert sq.
In addition to the Pagoda house, from the square you can see a charming "Ben Ami" corner cafe.
Cafe "Ben Ami"
I'm so happy to be back on this blog! Happy Sunday everyone :)


Melissa said...

Very beautiful house. Nice to see you again :D

Dina said...

Olga, welcome back!!
It really is an unusual and now beautiful house.

Guess what. I moved to Meitar in the Negev last week.