
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

... because it's picture-perfect

Thanks to "Lost in Cheeseland" (one of my many Paris reads), I came across HostelBookers 7 Super Shots. Here is my attempt to show Tel Aviv as a picture-perfect city that it is.

1. A photo that… takes my breath away

I think that 80% of my Tel Aviv photo collection are sunsets over Mediterranean. Pretty much each one takes my breath away, especially if there's a sail on the horizon, and surfers in the waves...

2. A photo that… makes me smile

I can't help but smile each time I look at this picture. I can't decide if I should call it "Charlie's Angels" or "The Three Tel Avivian Graces". (Graces are goddesses of  charm, beauty, and nature in ancient Greek mythology. This Wikipedia article includes many reproductions of various "The Three Graces" paintings.) Angels or graces, they are so undeniably cool in their effortless summer outfits (the photo was taken in November by the way!).

3. A photo that… makes me dream

These two are walking on sunset, barefoot, on the warm water of the end-of-the-summer sea. This picture makes me dream of a summer...

4. A photo that… makes me think

I was taking some pictures in this shop on the main street of Hatikva neighborhood, when I saw this young mother with a baby in a stroller. As they passed by, the baby kept looking right at me - seems that my strange big camera made him think and wonder. And he made me think and wonder about the day-to-day life of his family and of families of many foreign workers that live in this neighborhood.

5. A photo that… makes my mouth water

This category was the most difficult for me. The thing is, I usually don't take pictures of food, or food markets (I probably should, especially with the later). Then I recalled that I did make exception for this hot chocolate!
Imagine a cold winter afternoon. It rains outside the glass walls of the street cafe veranda. You work on your notebook at the cafe table, slowly sipping this delicious cup of hot chocolate...

6. A photo that… tells a story

This is one of my favorite photos. I often look at it and wonder - who is this young woman? Would I recognize her if she turns to me, or is she a stranger? What is she doing on Hatikva market on Friday afternoon? She looks so different from the rest of the people on the street.

7. A photo that… I am most proud of

This photo is pretty old, but I like it so much. This is the view of Hayarkon Park, looking south. I like the stillness of this night, the perfect symmetry of the reflection, the glow of the city behind the tree line, and the many colors of the light created by the park lane lanterns and the nearby buildings...

I would like to see 7 Super Shorts from:
 - Jerusalem Hills Daily Photo
 - Sparrow Chatter
 - Fragmente (m)eines Lebens
 - Artistique
 - The View From Right Here

You can participate in this meme too! To do so, just do the following:

1. Choose 7 of your own photos, one for each of the 7 categories above.
2. Write a short description for each image.
3. Write somewhere in your blog post: ‘I am taking part in HostelBookers 7 Super Shots.
4. Tell HostelBookers that you have participated and tweet the hashtag #7SuperShots
5. Nominate 5 other bloggers by including a link to their blog in your post.

Take a minute to look at many perfect pictures from all over the world on "Our World Tuesday".


Andrea said...

Hi these are photos which really show the character of your place, the photos are lovely. The sunsets are just like ours here, of course with different subjects, but that last one is really a super shot, perfect! But personally i love that white girl shot because of the movement at the back, as i still can't take shots like that despite attempts! haha!

Leif Hagen said...

Olga - a wonderful, fantastic collection of photos but I think I like the sunset the best!
Shalom from EAGAN daily photo

sparrow said...

I REALLY like the shot of the hot chocolate, but I'm sure it is terrible for my waistline:-)

Thank you for suggesting my blog. I will try and assemble a wee walk around Wellington for the Hostel site.

Have a wonderful week.

Melissa said...

Lovely photos. They tell you a lot about that what kind of place Tel-Aviv really is :)

Fragmentage said...

wow, what a challenge!

Not sure me and my smartphone will be worthy to enter but I'll check for some archive pics...

eileeninmd said...

Great photos for your challenge. the photos at the beach are my favorite. The sunset is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing, scenes from Tel-Aviv. Have a great day.

luna miranda said...

your photos are amazing. so different from what Tel Aviv looks like in my mind (especially the Charles Angels :p). love the sunset photos.

LindyLouMac said...

Calling by as another Our World Tuesday participant, I never bore of sunset photos, these are stunning.

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting me! Great shots from the sunset and city!
Sorry to decline the 7 supershots, since I just shut down one blog because of time constraints. said...

Lovely photos of Tel Aviv, my city too..

LadyFi said...

Wow - stunning beach shots!

Davidlind said...

Lovely photos. We have a grandchild six months old who is fascinated by gadgets too. The whirling ceiling fan is a favorite. Small children are captivated by almost everything. Because it is all new to them. Would we were more like them. Photography helps!

Dina said...

There seems to be no lack of photo opportunities in Tel Aviv (IF one has the eye and sensitivity to see them and capture them).

Thanks Olga. Maybe in a few weeks I'll try to do this. Right now too busy hosting a blogger friend from Europe.

Shabbat shalom.

Fragmentage said...

I did it!

(Tel Aviv is featured, too....)